Dr. Soumya Anibhas Profile Photo

Dr. Soumya Anibhas

أخصائي، الطب الباطني

سنوات الخبرة :13


احجز الآن

اﻟﺤﺴﺎﺏ اﻟﺸﺨﺼﻲ

نبذة عن مقدم الرعاية الصحية

Dr. Soumya Anibhas completed her MBBS from Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram in the year 2002. She went on to do MD in Internal Medicine again from the Government Medical College, Kerala in 2009. Dr. Soumya has also obtained her MRCP from the Royal College of Physicians, London in 2015 Dr. Soumya started her career as Post Graduat...
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معلومات المرفق الصحي

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Dr. Soumya Anibhas

مستشفى أن أم سي التخصصي - أبوظبي
